Mystic topaz – description and properties

Good afternoon dear friends. Every woman wants to remain beautiful and attractive to the opposite sex. To do this, millions of beauties daily create their own image, combining different elements of the wardrobe, applying makeup, doing their hair. To make the result unique, every little thing is important. The best assistants in this work are jewelry with bright sparkling stones.

Mystic topaz is one of the most mysterious stones that will cause you admiration and even envy. You can often find its names such as: “rainbow stone”, “rainbow topaz”, “mystic topaz”.

Some jewelers call them “Siberian diamonds”.

Topaz characteristics

There are two legends about the name “topaz”. The first says that the mineral got its name in honor of the island of Topazios, which is located in the waters of the Red Sea, where the mineral was first discovered. The second says that the term comes from a Sanskrit word that translates as flame, heat, fire.

The depth of mystery contained in the stone depends on the rich iridescent overflow. Therefore, especially the prices of jewelry lovers from polychrome minerals, which have the ability to shine in different colors and shades. Unfortunately, in nature, such stones are extremely rare, most often they have a monotonous overflow. But modern jewelers have brought their skills to perfection and invented such stone processing technologies that allowed natural minerals to shine with bright and unforgettable colors.

First of all, it should be noted that topaz is a natural stone. With the help of special processing, it acquires iridescent shades of different colors. Of course, human labor gives the stone a special shine and shape, but the beauty bestowed by nature has no equal. As soon as the stone touches a person’s hand, it becomes “polychrome”. Simply put, it acquires the ability to independently combine several shades. However, only the quality of the original stone and its polishing depend on the color, brilliance and purity of the final product.

Products with mystic topaz look like a rainbow. And what woman would not like to have a piece of the rainbow on her neck, wrist or finger?

Production technology

Mystic topaz production technology was patented by Azotic Coating Technology Ink in 1993 in America. Because of the surface spraying, he received the name “Azotik”.

To make the top layer wear-resistant, the stone is exposed to low temperatures. The price for classic and mystical topaz is about the same. This processing technology is used for cutting colorless quartz and cubic zirconia. Such minerals are called mystic quartz and mystic cubic zirconium. However, from the entire line of these stones, the mystical topaz is highly valued. The end result is that when the minerals are processed, there is an overflow of different tones, similar or very different colors, for example, blue, yellow, green, red, and so on.

If the stone has a pale tint, then in natural light it will get a rich blue color.

Colorless topazes are not used in jewelry. Only after cutting, polishing and spraying this stone is used in jewelry. Different technologies give the mineral from 2 to 3 shades, which subsequently provides a rainbow overflow in daylight and artificial lighting.

No matter how paradoxical it sounds, modern science gives the ancient stone a mystical meaning. Therefore, jewelry with this mineral will look bright, rich and spectacular both day and night. Today, there are many brands offering topaz in the gemstone market. The most famous are Mystic Topaz, Aurora Topaz, Nirvana Topaz.

Jewelers love to use mystical topaz to create silver and gold jewelry.

Healing and mystical qualities of topaz


Even in ancient times, the Indians attributed topaz to the twelve most important precious stones. The healing properties of this stone are mentioned even in the texts of Ayurveda. The mineral is especially important for women. In India, it was believed that he could cure infertility and give the joy of motherhood. In ancient times, low-quality mineral material was processed into powder. This decoction was used to treat people with poisoning. It is also believed that mystical topaz has calming properties and normalizes sleep, relieves nightmares, and helps to cope with disorders of the nervous system. Also, with systematic use, the mineral has healing properties in diseases of the liver, musculoskeletal system, and gallbladder. Since gold and titanium are used in the processing of mystical topaz, which give it a special luster, it is believed that that the stone also acquires the healing properties of these metals. Topaz jewelry disinfects and strengthens the immune system. This mineral is often used as an amulet against mystical influence, protection from wizards, shamans and the evil eye of people. People who believe in extraterrestrial powers wear mystical topaz jewelry to protect themselves from negative energy and evil spirits. It is believed that topaz contributes to the optimistic mood of the wearer. Men who wear jewelry with him will quickly learn wisdom. For a long time, every sailor who went on a journey took with him a mystical mineral, because legends say that the stone has the ability to calm the storm. shamans and the evil eye of people. People who believe in extraterrestrial powers wear mystical topaz jewelry to protect themselves from negative energy and evil spirits. It is believed that topaz contributes to the optimistic mood of the wearer. Men who wear jewelry with him will quickly learn wisdom. For a long time, every sailor who went on a journey took with him a mystical mineral, because legends say that the stone has the ability to calm the storm. shamans and the evil eye of people. People who believe in extraterrestrial powers wear mystical topaz jewelry to protect themselves from negative energy and evil spirits. It is believed that topaz contributes to the optimistic mood of the wearer. Men who wear jewelry with him will quickly learn wisdom. For a long time, every sailor who went on a journey took with him a mystical mineral, because legends say that the stone has the ability to calm the storm.

It is also believed to be able to soothe the storms of human relationships because they use it to bring husbands, friends, parents and children closer together. Modern psychologists recommend daily wearing jewelry with these minerals to people whose activities are directly related to intellectual activity. They stimulate the intellect and enlightenment of thoughts. Also, the stone helps to develop intuitive abilities. It is believed that people who constantly wear topaz begin to show magical qualities and abilities over time. It helps to predict the emotional and emotional state of other people, to predict their actions and deeds.

Stone Care

In order for topaz to decorate you, and you are satisfied with your appearance, you need to take care of it and follow the rules of operation. Like other natural stones, topaz must be protected from interaction with cosmetics. It is also best to remove jewelry while washing. Natural minerals do not like direct sunlight. Do not expose topaz to temperature extremes. If you go to the sauna or bath, it is best to leave the decorations at home. Topaz does not tolerate heat well. Cleaning stones or jewelry with them is best left to a professional jeweler. From time to time wash the stone under running water without detergents and wipe with a dry cloth.

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